Tuesday, December 25, 2007

ONE more picture

dar kokia focke idesiu is gruzu kad prisiminti trekkinga...Gela, biciuli, reik tau atvirute issiust ar paskambinti-dekui tau uz antruosius namus Mutso. kartais kyla mintis netgi vienus metus Shatilio mokykloje anglu kalba destyti arba ant sieno s monitorinti su ziuronais. taip pat ir nuvaziuoti reiktu ismokti kaip sunims maista virti, tiems baltiesiems. Mutso jo brolis ryzas staysis nauja namuka, bet senuoju stiliumi-is juoduju akmenu.Virsuje esanciu griuvesiu tai tikrai nereiktu restauruoti, realus dabar Tolkieno stiliaus


Mutso (Georgian: მუცო) is a small village in Georgia. One of the former strongholds of the historic Georgian province of Khevsureti (now part of Mtskheta-Mtianeti region), it is located on a rocky mountain (1880 m) on the right bank of the Andakistskali river (ანდაქისწყალი).
The village, almost completely abandoned more than a century ago, is a home to approximately 30 medieval fortified dwelling units arranged on vertical terraces above the Mutso-Ardoti gorge, four combat towers and ruins of several old structures and buildings. Difficult to access, the village retains original architecture and is a popular destination for tourists and mountain trekkers. Listed, however, among the most endangered historic monuments of Georgia, a project of the rehabilitation of Mutso has been developed since 2004.
A legend has it that the villagers worshiped the Broliskalo Icon of Archangel. They were renowned fighters and hunters, and considered themselves permanent members of the army of the sacred flags and guardians of fabulous treasury donated to the Icon over the centuries. The legends say the treasury is still kept in the high mountains around Mutso waiting for the chosen one to come.

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